“We respect artists; therefore any art used must always have the correct copyright information”

Zlata set.!

New set for the forum Creative Misfits:
 photo ZMAvatarAngietagbycorcel13_zpsb9855bd2.png

 photo ZMBannerAngietagbycorcel13_zpsccee4960.png

Popeye Val.!

I made this for a Challenge at Creative Misfits, a cluster frame from: Carmin Chaotics Creations and a Popeye Wong tube, and a font: Before the Rain.
 photo PWHangietagbycorcel13_zpsa696f45a.png

 photo PWHsingtagbycorcel13_zps4c17b988.png

In Val Mood.!

I made then for different challenges at Creative Misfits.

 photo VBCAngietagbycorcel13_zps88af72b9.png
 photo KSMCorceltagbycorcel13_zpse48d4624.png
 photo HFCAngietagbycorcel13_zps821cd688.png 
 photo PCGangietagbyCorcel13_zps50dbee08.png


I get this beautiful set as a pressie from Angi Rique at Creative Misfits for being participated at a Texture Challenge, Thanks!!


Here is my first tag with a tube ©Misticheskaya from Scraps and the City, yeiii with my license # SATC3615, made it for a Frame Challenge at Creative Misfits, the cluster frame is a freebie from Raspberry Road Designs. I used the fonts: K22 Timbuctu & Before the Rain.
 photo MTCAngieCorceltagbycorcel13_zpsc9083f5e.png

A lot of.!

I get all this beautiful pressies from Creative Misfits girls, thanks I love them:
from Tonya
from Whippy
from Mariadele


My first pick ups for 2013 at Creative Misfits, thanks to Kandy and Vix, amazing tags!
by Kandy
By Kandy
By Vix

Brown Feeling.!

New Banner Logo today, I used a creative tube from ©Popeye Wong.

Photobucket Photobucket