“We respect artists; therefore any art used must always have the correct copyright information”


I made this tag for a Weekly Tutorial Challenge at Creative Misfits forum following a tut called Twisted Sisters from Candy's Treats.
TWS July8 photo TWSJuly8_zps235b0864.png

Chichi's Pressie!

Wootjuuu! this is a pressie tag called Magical from Chichi's at Creative Creations forum for being participated in a Scrap challenge on June 29,I love it, thanks so pretty much!

Echo Pressie!

I got this wonderful forum set from a friendEcho at Creative Misfits, I loved!!! thanks so pretty much!

Smile Forum Set!

Tube Challenge at Creative Misfits
Tube: © Lia
Texture: MerryChristmas tex02
Blend Modes: Luminance/Multiply
Word-Art: Smile (from web)
YEW avatar July5 photo YEWavatarJuly5_zps38efbf84.png
YEW banner July5 photo YEWbannerJuly5_zps3f745c97.png

Zlata Blend Forum Set!

I made this forum set for a Forum Style Mix Challenge at Creative Misfits
Tube I used: © Zlata_M
Texture: TEXTURES_42_by_Inthename_Stock
Blend Modes: Luminance Legacy/Overlay/Soft Light
and Blend Ideas from: Candy's Treats
Word-Art: Intrigued (made by me) right click and save it!
INT avatar July5 photo INTavatarJuly5_zpsef380ca8.png 
INT banner July5 photo INTbannerJuly5_zps30e92a56.png


Bama Quilt!

I made this avatar at BamaCreations for the quilt family tree, and i made a banner also.

BAM avatar JUL3 photo BAMavatarJUL3_zps5c821ee7.png BAM banner JUL3 photo BAMbannerJUL3_zps2c764bdc.png


Mask challenge at Creative Misfits 
BLU July3 photo BLUJuly3_zpsf425a278.png 
JUL July3 photo JULJuly3_zps82760639.png
Font Challenge
PEN Jul2 photo PENJul2_zps6c4cdc62.png