“We respect artists; therefore any art used must always have the correct copyright information”

"Cloe Tutorial"

click on images to see it bigger!

Materials: Paint Shop Pro, Word Art and a Picture/Photo of your choice.

1. Open a photo of your choice in Paint Shop Pro.
2. Duplicate the image: Window/Duplicate
3. Go to Image/Picture Frame:
Pick the frame Film (come with psp)
Choose Frame inside or Frame Outside of the image
Click Ok.
4. Activate your Magic Wand tool, settings:
Mode=add shift, Match mode=RGB value
Tolerance=20, Feather=1, Outside
Check Sample Merged and Antia-lias
5. Click on the white squares in the filmstrip.
Hit delete in your keyboard.
6. Add a new layer and type your own text or add a word art.
7. Add your watermark and the proper copyright info for the image.
8. Go to Layers/Merge/Merge All (Flatten)
9. Finally, save your work, and that's all!

Them Done!, thanks and I hope you've enjoyed!
Tutorial write on September 19th '2012 by AngieCorcel.
This tutorial is my own creativity, any resemblance to any other is purely coincidentally.

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