“We respect artists; therefore any art used must always have the correct copyright information”

I Give.!

I give
Thank you for clicking! 
Your click helped a woman in need get a free mammogram.
100% of fees from site sponsorships helps women in need.
Paid advertisements helped fund 1,299 mammograms in 2011.

Thank you for clicking! 
During November, your click helped animals and shelters recover from Superstorm Sandy.
100% of fees from site sponsorships helps animals in shelters.
Paid advertisements helped fund 68 million bowls of food in 2011.

Thank you for clicking! 
Your click provided food for the hungry worldwide, and during November, also supported recovery from Superstorm Sandy.

Thank you for clicking! Your click helped a homeless and hungry veteran get a free meal.

Thank you for clicking! Your click helped provide therapy for children living with autism and their families.

Thank you for clicking! Your click helped provide a child 
with lifesaving health care.

Thank you for clicking! Your click helped give a child in need 
a book to read and treasure.

Thank you for clicking! Your click helped protect 
11.4 square feet of rainforest habitat for wildlife.

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