“We respect artists; therefore any art used must always have the correct copyright information”


Woatjoo! I made some tags for the Winter Tutathon (Nov 16-19) challenge at Creative Misfist, the record is 20, uppa!
My Lil Snowman, http://funkysweetdesigns.blogspot.be/2012/11/my-lil-snowman.html

MLS sign

and #2 Let it Snow
Let It Snow, http://www.oohbabelicious.com/LetItSnow.html
Peppermint Ice, http://candystreatsct.blogspot.co.uk/2011/12/peppermint-ice.html
PPI sign

#6 Emo Chill
Emo Chill, http://redefined-designs.blogspot.com.au/2012/11/ftu-emo-chill-tut.html
and this i all for today, ready to sleep, have a nice nite everyone!

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